ERIS Experts – Anita Gulczyńska
Anita Gulczyńska, PhD is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Educational Sciences of University of Łódź, Poland. Her scientific interests and research cover: disadvantaged neighbourhood effects, intersection between poverty and educational career, youth and community work; the role of social work/social pedagogy in urbanism (mainly in urban regeneration), radical and critical social work. She lectures courses in Empowering Social Work; Community Work; Youth Work. She supervises B.A., M.A. and Ph.D. (supportive supervisions) theses in social work/ social pedagogy, in which qualitative research methods, including this of participatory paradigm, find their applications.
Selected publications
Gulczyńska A., Granosik M. (2022) Małe rewitalizacje podwórek. Społeczno-pedagogiczne badania-działania. Lodz: Lodz University Publishing House, Łódź, 230 p.
Gulczyńska (2022) Małe rewitalizacje podwórek. Przykład zastosowania społeczno-pedagogicznej tradycji ożywiania społeczności lokalnych ich iłami w proce-sach rewitalizacji miast, In: Praca Socjalna 2022; 37 (2): p. 157-181
Czerniachowska R., Granosik M., Gulczyńska A. (2022) Le travail social en Pologne, In: Emmanuel Jovelin , Laure Lienard (Ed.), Le travail social en Europe Entre passé, présent et avenir, Rennes: PRESSES DE L’ÉCOLE DES HAUTES ÉTUDES EN SANTÉ PUBLIQUE/ Presses de l’EHESP, p. 195-218
Gulczyńska A., Wiśniewska-Kin (2020) Educational exclusions and practices of inclusion from urban disadvantaged neighbourhoods; In: International Perspectives on Inclusion within Soci-ety and Education; (Ed.) M. A. Brown, London-New York: Routledge Publishing
Gulczyńska (2019): Stigma and the doomed-to-fail school careers of young people from dis-advantaged neighbourhoods, Children's Geographies, Vol.17 (4), DOI: 10.1080/14733285.2018.1536775
Granosik M. , Gulczyńska A., Kostrzyńska M., Littlechild (2019)., Participatory Social Work. Research, Practice, Education (Ed.); Łódź University Publishing House / Jagiellonian Universi-ty Press, Lodz/Cracov, 2019
Granosik M., Gulczyńska A., Kostrzyńska M., Jarkiewicz A. (2019) Challenges Faced by Social Pedagogy Academics in the Course of Participatory Action Research with Homeless People and Street Workers as Co-Researchers, In: Participatory Social Work. Research, Practice, Education (Ed.) M. Granosik, A. Gulczyńska, M. Kostrzyńska, B. Littlechild, Lodz-Cracov: Lodz University Publishing House / Jagiellonian University Press
Gulczyńska A., Wiśniewska M. (2018) Youth Education and Migration. The case of Poland, In: International Perspectives on Migration, Population changes, Education and Youth, (Ed:) M. A. Brown, Routledge Publishing, London-New York
Gulczyńska A. (2016) Stigmatization of Children and Youth of the Socially Non-homogeneous Neighborhoods Analysis of the Mechanisms of the Neighborhood Effects and the Concept of Empowering Social Work/ A szociálisan nem homogén szomszédsági környezetben élő gyerekek és fiatalok stigmatizációja A szomszédsági mechanizmus elemzése és a szociális munka empowermentjének koncepciója, w: Párbeszéd a Szociális Munkáért/ Dialogue for the Social Work, Vol. 3(2),
Gulczyńska A. (2015) Transforming social atmosphere of educational centres for socially maladjusted teenagers (MOS and MOW) i.e. on the need of professional discourse development and empowering actions In: J. Kowalska, A. Sobczak, A. Kaźmierczak (Ed.) Preventing exclusion from education system of socially maladjusted children and teenagers. Good practices in educational work, Lodz: Lodz University Publishing House, p.13-46
Zveřejněno / aktualizováno: 27. 03. 2023