ERIS Experts – Vladimír Lichner

Doc. Mgr. Vladimír Lichner, PhD. has worked as an Associate Professor at the Department of Social Work, Faculty of Arts, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice since 2015. He earned his Bachelor’s degree in 2010, Master’s degree in 2012 and PhD degree in 2015, all from Faculty of Arts, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Slovakia. He is also a licensed trainer of social skills and a distance social counsellor.

In terms of his pedagogical career, he focuses on theoretical, methodological, and statistical aspects of the social work science, and also on the socio-pathological phenomena of various social work client groups. He is a lecturer of the following courses: Social Work Theories; History of Social Work; Social Policies for Social Work; Counselling, Therapy, and Intervention in Social Work; Principles of the Design and Use of Research Tools; Statistics in Social Sciences; Basics of the Statistical Interpretation in Social Work and Diagnostics in Social Work.

His main research topics focus on self-care of social workers, verification of the self-care intervention programme, and the risk-taking behaviour of various client groups. Specifically, he is interested in the social aspects of modern forms of risk-taking behaviour such as the “new” addictions, cyberbullying, radicalization, and extremism among adolescents.

He is also a director of the Children’s helpline in Košice, and the counsellor in this organisation. As a social worker, he works in a non-profit organisation in Košice with children, their parents, and other close persons and family members. He is experienced in the care of children with behavioural disorders.

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Selected publications

LICHNER, V. 2020. Analýza radikálnych a extrémistických skupín, hnutí, siekt a kultov a ich pôsobenie v Slovenskej republike [Analysis of the Radical and Extremist Groups, Movements, Sects and Cults and their Activities in the Slovak Republic] [online]. Košice: Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach. 163 s. ISBN 9788081528392.

LICHNER, V., HALACHOVÁ, M., LOVAŠ, L. 2018. The concept of self-care, work engagement, and burnout syndrome among slovak social workers. Czech and Slovak Social Work, 18(4), 62-75. ISSN 1213-6204.

LICHNER, V., ŽIAKOVÁ, E., DiTOMMASO, E. 2021. Assessment the loneliness of Slovak adolescents: Adaptation of the social and emotional loneliness scale for adults (SELSA-S) to adolescents and verification of psychometric attributes in the slovak version. Journal of Psychological and Educational Research 29(1), 34-56. ISSN 2247-1537.

LICHNER, V., PETRIKOVÁ, F., ŽIAKOVÁ, E. 2021. Adolescents self-concept in the context of risk behaviour and self-care. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 26(1), 57-70. ISSN 0267-3843. DOI 10.1080/02673843.2021.1884102.

LICHNER, V., PETRIKOVÁ, F., ŽIAKOVÁ, E. 2021. Teoretické východiská skúmania starostlivosti o seba a rizikového správania u adolescentov [Theoretical Basis for the Study of Self-care and Risk Behavior in Adolescents]. Czech and Slovak Social Work, 21(2), 57-75. ISSN 1213-6204.

Selected projects

Project title: Implementing Methamphetamine Prevention Strategies into Action – IMPRESA
Project implementation period: 01/21-12/23
Position in the project: investigator
Brief description of the project: The project is focused on the selection and implementation of specific interventions aimed at prevention of methamphetamine use in selected European cities. At the level of individual cities, the most appropriate methamphetamine prevention strategy will be developed according to specific local needs and resources and based on the results of a mapping of all stakeholders. The intervention strategy will then be implemented at the local level.

1/0754/21 Scientific Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic (ME SR) and of Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAS) (VEGA)
Project title: "Push-pull" social factors related to the degree of radicalization of adolescents in the context of Social Work
Project implementation period: 01/21-12/23
Position in the project: investigator (deputy of principal investigator)
Brief description of the project: The main goal of the project is to compile a "push-pull" model of social and family predictors of adolescent radicalization and to verify the assumption that the process of radicalization is influenced by specific operationalized factors. The project corresponds to the working fields of social work and the modelled predictors are influenced by social work methods. It partially focuses on the exploration of the process of adolescents' radicalization in the conditions of the Slovak Republic and its identification. The result of the project will be a model of important social and family "push-pull" predictors of the adolescents' radicalization process.

2020-1414 Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice Internal Scientific and Grant Agency (VVGS UPJŠ)
Project title: Creation of the Adolescents Self-Care Questionnaire
Project implementation period: 02/20-01/21
Position in the project: principal investigator
Brief description of the project: The aim of the project was to develop and verify a validated questionnaire - a research tool for measuring the level of self-care in the target group of adolescents. A new integrative approach to the issue made it possible to open the space for the identification of phenomena typical for self-care in the client group's own social work with a praxeological dimension within social practice. The basic thesis of the project was the fact that self-care can act as a preventive factor of various forms of risky behaviour, and at the same time its strengthening can be a topic for social workers.

1/0285/18 Scientific Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Republic (ME SR) and of Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAS) (VEGA)
Project title: Risk behavior of adolescents as clients of social work due to their loneliness
Project implementation period: 01/18-12/20
Position in the project: investigator
Brief project description: The ambition of the project developers was achieved: to examine the relationship between adolescents' loneliness and their risk behaviour and to create a tool for measuring the loneliness of the target group. Research has shown that there is a correlation between experiencing loneliness and the occurrence of risk behaviour in social work clients.

14-0921 The Slovak Research and Development Agency of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sports of the Slovak Republic (APVV)
Project title: Self-care as a factor of coping with the negative consequences of practicing the helping professions
Project implementation period: 07/15-06/19
Position in the project: investigator
Brief project description: The basic objective of the project is to verify the assumption that self-care is a predictor of experiencing negative consequences of practicing the helping professions. To this end, a follow-up verification of the possibility of eliminating the negative effects of practicing the helping professions by means of change in self-care of people engaged in helping professions. Part of the verification of the hypothesis is revealing the current state of self-care in people doing helping professions in social care, as well as the simultaneous occurrence of negative consequences of practicing the helping professions such as experiencing stress, burnout, vicarious trauma, and dissatisfaction with their work. The results will be validated questionnaires for self-care in helping professions, the acquisition of knowledge regarding these issues, and the construction of intervention programs aimed to change self-care and eliminate the negative effects of practicing the helping professions. Intervention programs will be provided to welfare facilities.

Zveřejněno / aktualizováno: 17. 03. 2023