Mezinárodní jarní škola sociální práce v Evropě pro studenty magisterského a doktorského studia 2021
14. ročníku Mezinárodní jarní školy sociální práce, která proběhla ve dnech 28.-30. dubna 2021 po roční pauze způsobené pandemií COVID-19 poprvé on-line formou, se zúčastnilo 30 prezentujících studentů z 11 zemí v 9 paralelních sekcích a 98 pasivních účastníků z 8 zemí.
Odborný program byl věnován příspěvkům studentů týkajících se disertačních či diplomových prací, diskuzemi s učiteli, skupinovým a individuálním konzultacím. Obdobně jako v minulých letech program zahrnoval 2 odborné přednášky a 5 paralelně probíhajících workshopů, na kterých se aktivně podílelo 35 účastníků. 20 akademiků z 8 zemí se podílelo na moderování sekcí, diskuzích a individuálních konzultacích.
Díky spolupráci s Centrem informačních technologií OU a Centrem marketingu a komunikace OU můžeme nabídnout nahrávky všech sekcí, přednášek a workshopů těm zájemcům, kteří je z důvodu paralelního konání nestihli. Jednoduše klikněte na zvolenou sekci, přednášku nebo workshop.
“Processes of (collective) resistence in the context of residential displacement in Czechia“
“LGBT+ associations in Łódź and Bolonia- a design of a comparative study”
“The analogy of women empowerment and its relationship to domestic abuse among African immigrants in the United Kingdom: A systematic review”
“Exploring the impact of migration trauma for unaccompanied refugee minors and how Social Workers can respond”
“Doctoral Helpers of addicted people living on the streets of a little town in the countryside”
“Homelessness: A Sociological Perspective on the Pathways of Young Rough Sleepers & Street Children in Nigeria”
“An Intervention: focused on Quality of life among patients suffering with Chronic Kidney Disease”
“Online child sexual exploitation and social media”
“A qualitative research on social work practice with singlefather families in Russia. Midterm results of the thesis”
“Who are better prepared than the oppressed to understand the terrible significance of an oppressive society?” (Freire, 1970)
“Community Work in disadvantaged Settlements” Comparison between Bregenz (Austria) and Łódź (Poland)
“Children with disability in families at risk: research design and partial results”
“The Impact of witnessing domestic abuse on children and young people”
“Professional acting in casework- an empirical study on the state of “casework” using the example of social pedagogical family assistance in Germany”
“From prescription to reality, healthcare in closed educational center (alternative to the incarceration of minors)”
“Social work in shelters for mothers with children - work on the topic of substance abuse”
“The impact of cultural action in prison"
“Social Workers perspectives on the processes that shape their 6experiences of working in Children's Services“
“Reflection of experience of family members from performance of guardianship -implication for social work”
“Volunteering in Hospital”
“Online volunteering among college students”
“Therapeutic work in Addiction Treatment Clinics - Research Project”
“The Consequences of Neoliberalisation for Social Work with People in Material Need in Czech Municipalities with Extended Powers”
“Examining the effectiveness of complex social work intervention”
“Contributing factors to intimate partner violence against women from West Africa resident in the UK: 7Pre and post immigration issues/factors”
“Social work and social housing project of Ostrava: Through the perspective of clients of social housing”
“Gender transition as a social phenomenon. Social worlds and opportunity structures in the biographical experiences of transgender women”
“Youthwork at a crossroad with changing school culture and welfare work”
“Investigating the Social Work Interventions for Autistic Young People to Prevent Detention and Hospitalisation under the Mental Health Act 1983”
Zveřejněno / aktualizováno: 14. 02. 2022